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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ini Deretan Negara Asia yang Belum Terpapar Corona -

JAKARTA, HARIANHALUAN.COM - Penyebaran infeksi virus corona (Covid-19) semakin mengkhawatirkan dunia. Virus yang pertama kali terdeteksi di Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei, China itu sudah menyebar luas sampai ke Eropa, Amerika, hingga wilayah Afrika bagian utara.

Dari data Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) yang dikutip, Minggu (1/3), virus corona ini sudah terdeteksi di 57 negara. Totalnya ada 85.641 orang terjangkit Covid-19, di mana 2.933 orang meninggal dunia dan 39.485 orang berhasil sembuh.

Sabtu (29/2) WHO pun menaikkan tingkat ancaman virus corona ini hingga ke level maksimum setelah penyebarannya  terdeteksi hingga Afrika dan berdampak luas terhadap kondisi perekonomian dunia.

Sejauh ini, China menjadi negara yang paling banyak warganya terkena virus corona, dengan 79.394 kasus dan 2.838 orang di antaranya meninggal dunia.

Meskipun demikian, dari data milik WHO, terdapat sejumlah negara yang dilaporkan belum terpapar virus corona. Seperti di wilayah Asia, beberapa negara belum ada laporan terjangkit virus tersebut.

Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara di Asia yang belum melaporkan ada pasien positif terkena virus corona sampai saat ini. Meskipun terdapat sejumlah pasien suspect yang telah menjalani perawatan, dan hasilnya negatif terinfeksi virus corona.

Seorang pasien di RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang, Jawa Tengah, sempat menunjukkan tanda-tanda terinfeksi virus corona. Misalnya, demam tinggi dan sesak napas. Setelah dilakukan perawatan, pasien meninggal dunia.

Sebelumnya pasien suspect tersebut disebut-sebut mengalami bronkopneumonia.  Hanya saja, setelah dilakukan klarifikasi, Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto menyatakan pasien yang meninggal itu karena flu babi atau virus H1N1 dan negatif virus corona.

Kasus lainnya adalah jejak perjalanan beberapa warga negara asing (WNA) yang dinyatakan positif virus corona dan yang bersangkutan pernah berada di Indonesia.
Tak muncul kasus warga positif terjangkit virus corona, sejumlah pihak sangsi kepada Indonesia. Seperti Perdana Menteri Australia Scott Morrison yang meragukan apakah Indonesia benar-benar bebas dari Covid-19.

"Saya tidak bermaksud [tidak sopan]. Indonesia memiliki sistem kesehatan yang berbeda dengan Australia. Dan kami memiliki kapasitas yang berbeda untuk memberikan jaminan tersebut," kata Morrison.

Keraguan sejumlah pihak, termasuk PM Australia itu bukan tanpa alasan. Saat ini Indonesia dikelilingi oleh negara yang sudah melaporkan kasus pasien positif virus corona. Seperti Australia sendiri, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, serta Filipina.

Namun, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Mahfud MD menegaskan bahwa sampai saat ini belum ada pasien positif terjangkit virus corona di Indonesia.

"Sekarang Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang masih nol (corona). Coba kalau ada di mana itu virus corona," ujarnya.

Meskipun demikian, Indonesia kini sedang mengobservasi 188 WNI, anak buah kapal (ABK) World Dream di Pulau Sebaru Kecil, Kepulauan Seribu. Selain itu 68 WNI di kapal Diamond Princess direncanakan akan menjalani observasi di Pulau Sebaru Kecil.

Selain Indonesia, Korea Utara negara lainnya di Asia yang juga belum melaporkan kasus pasien positif virus corona. Sementara negara di sekitarnya, China, Korea Selatan, hingga Jepang sudah terserang virus yang salah satu efeknya membuat sesak napas.

Negara komunis ini telah menutup perbatasan dan melarang masuk turis asing dari China untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona.

Pada 30 Januari 2020 lalu, media pemerintah KCNA melaporkan bahwa Korut mengumumkan keadaan darurat dan mendirikan tempat untuk mengontrol epidemi di seluruh negeri.

Sejumlah pihak menyangsikan klaim belum ada kasus virus corona di Korea Utara. Profesor Universitas Korea Selatan Nam Sung-wook yang juga bertugas sebagai Kepala Lembaga Penelitian Badan Intelijen Nasional Korea Selatan, mengatakan sangat mungkin virus itu ada di Korut.

"Sangat mungkin ada seseorang yang terinfeksi di sana, negara dengan total penduduk 25 juta orang," katanya.

Dilaporkan pada 14 Februari 2020 lalu, seorang pejabat yang baru saja kembali dari China ditembak mati karena nekad pergi ke pemandian umum meskipun masih dalam masa karantina.

Pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong-un telah bersumpah akan menindak berdasar hukum militer bagi siapapun yang meninggalkan lokasi karantina tanpa izin.

Kim Jong-un juga mengancam para pejabat tinggi partai akan mendapat konsekuensi serius apabila virus corona sampai masuk ke negara tersebut. Kim mengeluarkan peringatan itu pada pertemuan Partai Buruh baru-baru ini. Menurutnya mencegah virus corona adalah hal penting untuk melindungi warga negara, sehingga  memerlukan kedisiplinan tinggi.

"Jika penyakit menular itu masuk ke Korea Utara dan tidak terkendali, akan ada konsekuensi serius," kata Kim.

Arab Saudi juga belum melaporkan kasus warganya positif terjangkit virus corona. Saudi menjadi salah satu negara di Timur Tengah yang masih 'bersih' dari virus yang pertama kali menyebar dari wilayah China Daratan.

Negara tetangga Saudi dilaporkan sudah terdapat pasien positif terjangkit virus corona, seperti Kuwait, Irak, Bahrain, Uni Emirat Arab, hingga Oman.

Untuk antisipasi penyebaran virus corona itu, Saudi langsung mengambil tindakan tegas. Pemerintah Saudi menghentikan sementara visa umrah di tengah merebaknya wabah corona.

Aturan penangguhan ini membuat peziarah tak bisa mengunjungi Masjid Nabawi, Madinah dan Masjidil Haram, Mekkah untuk sementara waktu. Penangguhan visa juga berlaku bagi wisatawan yang berasal dari negara-negara yang termasuk dalam daftar 'berbahaya' penyebar virus corona.

Saudi membuat daftar 23 negara yang warganya dilarang untuk masuk ke negara tersebut, termasuk Indonesia. Kebijakan Saudi ini pun berdampak langsung terhadap masyarakat Indonesia yang akan ibadah umrah sejak 27 Februari sampai waktu tak ditentukan.

Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi protes terhadap Saudi yang memasukkan Indonesia dalam daftar negara terlarang 'berbahaya' penyebar virus corona Covid-19. Retno menyatakan bahwa sampai saat ini Indonesia masih bebas dari virus corona jenis baru tersebut.

"Kenapa Indonesia? Karena Indonesia itu kan belum (terkena virus corona)," kata Retno.

Turki juga menjadi salah satu negara di Asia yang dilaporkan belum ada kasus pasien positif virus corona. Sebagian besar wilayah negara itu masuk dalam kawasan Asia, sementara bagian lainnya memang masuk kawasan Eropa.

Untuk mengantisipasi penyebaran virus corona, Pemerintah Turki telah menutup sementara perbatasan dengan Iran mulai Minggu (23/2) di tengah merebaknya wabah virus corona. Iran merupakan negara di Timur Tengah dengan pasien positif Covid-19 terbanyak.

"Kami memutuskan untuk menutup perbatasan setelah meningkatnya jumlah penyebaran wabah corona di negara tetangga kami, Iran," kata Menteri Kesehatan Turki Fahrettin Koca.

Selain menutup perbatasan Iran juga sementara melarang penerbangan dari Iran mulai Minggu (23/2) pukul 8 malam waktu setempat. Sementara jalur penerbangan dari Turki ke Iran masih diperbolehkan. Turki mendapat peringatan seiring dengan bertambahnya kasus penyebaran corona Covid-19 di Iran. Langkah penutupan perbatasan dilakukan setelah melakukan diskusi dengan pemerintah Iran.

Berikut daftar negara-negara di Asia yang dilaporkan belum terjangkit virus corona berdasarkan data WHO:

Korea Utara
?Arab Saudi

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March 01, 2020 at 11:37AM

Ini Deretan Negara Asia yang Belum Terpapar Corona -
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Indonesia dan Deretan Negara Asia yang Belum Terpapar Corona - CNN Indonesia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Penyebaran infeksi virus corona (Covid-19) semakin mengkhawatirkan dunia. Virus yang pertama kali terdeteksi di Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei, China itu sudah menyebar luas sampai ke Eropa, Amerika, hingga wilayah Afrika bagian utara.

Dari data Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) yang dikutip, Minggu (1/3), virus corona ini sudah terdeteksi di 57 negara. Totalnya ada 85.641 orang terjangkit Covid-19, di mana 2.933 orang meninggal dunia dan 39.485 orang berhasil sembuh.

Sabtu (29/2) WHO pun menaikkan tingkat ancaman virus corona ini hingga ke level maksimum setelah penyebarannya  terdeteksi hingga Afrika dan berdampak luas terhadap kondisi perekonomian dunia.

Sejauh ini, China menjadi negara yang paling banyak warganya terkena virus corona, dengan 79.394 kasus dan 2.838 orang di antaranya meninggal dunia.

Meskipun demikian, dari data milik WHO, terdapat sejumlah negara yang dilaporkan belum terpapar virus corona. Seperti di wilayah Asia, beberapa negara belum ada laporan terjangkit virus tersebut.

Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara di Asia yang belum melaporkan ada pasien positif terkena virus corona sampai saat ini. Meskipun terdapat sejumlah pasien suspect yang telah menjalani perawatan, dan hasilnya negatif terinfeksi virus corona.

Seorang pasien di RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang, Jawa Tengah, sempat menunjukkan tanda-tanda terinfeksi virus corona. Misalnya, demam tinggi dan sesak napas. Setelah dilakukan perawatan, pasien meninggal dunia.

Sebelumnya pasien suspect tersebut disebut-sebut mengalami bronkopneumonia.  Hanya saja, setelah dilakukan klarifikasi, Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto menyatakan pasien yang meninggal itu karena flu babi atau virus H1N1 dan negatif virus corona.

Kasus lainnya adalah jejak perjalanan beberapa warga negara asing (WNA) yang dinyatakan positif virus corona dan yang bersangkutan pernah berada di Indonesia.
Tak muncul kasus warga positif terjangkit virus corona, sejumlah pihak sangsi kepada Indonesia. Seperti Perdana Menteri Australia Scott Morrison yang meragukan apakah Indonesia benar-benar bebas dari Covid-19.

"Saya tidak bermaksud [tidak sopan]. Indonesia memiliki sistem kesehatan yang berbeda dengan Australia. Dan kami memiliki kapasitas yang berbeda untuk memberikan jaminan tersebut," kata Morrison.

Keraguan sejumlah pihak, termasuk PM Australia itu bukan tanpa alasan. Saat ini Indonesia dikelilingi oleh negara yang sudah melaporkan kasus pasien positif virus corona. Seperti Australia sendiri, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, serta Filipina.

Namun, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Mahfud MD menegaskan bahwa sampai saat ini belum ada pasien positif terjangkit virus corona di Indonesia.

"Sekarang Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang masih nol (corona). Coba kalau ada di mana itu virus corona," ujarnya.

Meskipun demikian, Indonesia kini sedang mengobservasi 188 WNI, anak buah kapal (ABK) World Dream di Pulau Sebaru Kecil, Kepulauan Seribu. Selain itu 68 WNI di kapal Diamond Princess direncanakan akan menjalani observasi di Pulau Sebaru Kecil.

ilustrasi virus coronaFoto: (Chinatopix via AP)
ilustrasi virus corona

Selain Indonesia, Korea Utara negara lainnya di Asia yang juga belum melaporkan kasus pasien positif virus corona. Sementara negara di sekitarnya, China, Korea Selatan, hingga Jepang sudah terserang virus yang salah satu efeknya membuat sesak napas.

Negara komunis ini telah menutup perbatasan dan melarang masuk turis asing dari China untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona.

Pada 30 Januari 2020 lalu, media pemerintah KCNA melaporkan bahwa Korut mengumumkan keadaan darurat dan mendirikan tempat untuk mengontrol epidemi di seluruh negeri.

Sejumlah pihak menyangsikan klaim belum ada kasus virus corona di Korea Utara. Profesor Universitas Korea Selatan Nam Sung-wook yang juga bertugas sebagai Kepala Lembaga Penelitian Badan Intelijen Nasional Korea Selatan, mengatakan sangat mungkin virus itu ada di Korut.

"Sangat mungkin ada seseorang yang terinfeksi di sana, negara dengan total penduduk 25 juta orang," katanya.

Dilaporkan pada 14 Februari 2020 lalu, seorang pejabat yang baru saja kembali dari China ditembak mati karena nekad pergi ke pemandian umum meskipun masih dalam masa karantina.

Pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong-un telah bersumpah akan menindak berdasar hukum militer bagi siapapun yang meninggalkan lokasi karantina tanpa izin.

Kim Jong-un juga mengancam para pejabat tinggi partai akan mendapat konsekuensi serius apabila virus corona sampai masuk ke negara tersebut. Kim mengeluarkan peringatan itu pada pertemuan Partai Buruh baru-baru ini. Menurutnya mencegah virus corona adalah hal penting untuk melindungi warga negara, sehingga  memerlukan kedisiplinan tinggi.

"Jika penyakit menular itu masuk ke Korea Utara dan tidak terkendali, akan ada konsekuensi serius," kata Kim.

Arab Saudi juga belum melaporkan kasus warganya positif terjangkit virus corona. Saudi menjadi salah satu negara di Timur Tengah yang masih 'bersih' dari virus yang pertama kali menyebar dari wilayah China Daratan.

Negara tetangga Saudi dilaporkan sudah terdapat pasien positif terjangkit virus corona, seperti Kuwait, Irak, Bahrain, Uni Emirat Arab, hingga Oman.

Untuk antisipasi penyebaran virus corona itu, Saudi langsung mengambil tindakan tegas. Pemerintah Saudi menghentikan sementara visa umrah di tengah merebaknya wabah corona.

Aturan penangguhan ini membuat peziarah tak bisa mengunjungi Masjid Nabawi, Madinah dan Masjidil Haram, Mekkah untuk sementara waktu. Penangguhan visa juga berlaku bagi wisatawan yang berasal dari negara-negara yang termasuk dalam daftar 'berbahaya' penyebar virus corona.

Saudi membuat daftar 23 negara yang warganya dilarang untuk masuk ke negara tersebut, termasuk Indonesia. Kebijakan Saudi ini pun berdampak langsung terhadap masyarakat Indonesia yang akan ibadah umrah sejak 27 Februari sampai waktu tak ditentukan.

Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi protes terhadap Saudi yang memasukkan Indonesia dalam daftar negara terlarang 'berbahaya' penyebar virus corona Covid-19. Retno menyatakan bahwa sampai saat ini Indonesia masih bebas dari virus corona jenis baru tersebut.

ilustrasi penyebaran virus coronaFoto: (Chinatopix via AP)
ilustrasi penyebaran virus corona

"Kenapa Indonesia? Karena Indonesia itu kan belum (terkena virus corona)," kata Retno.

Turki juga menjadi salah satu negara di Asia yang dilaporkan belum ada kasus pasien positif virus corona. Sebagian besar wilayah negara itu masuk dalam kawasan Asia, sementara bagian lainnya memang masuk kawasan Eropa.

Untuk mengantisipasi penyebaran virus corona, Pemerintah Turki telah menutup sementara perbatasan dengan Iran mulai Minggu (23/2) di tengah merebaknya wabah virus corona. Iran merupakan negara di Timur Tengah dengan pasien positif Covid-19 terbanyak.

"Kami memutuskan untuk menutup perbatasan setelah meningkatnya jumlah penyebaran wabah corona di negara tetangga kami, Iran," kata Menteri Kesehatan Turki Fahrettin Koca.

Selain menutup perbatasan Iran juga sementara melarang penerbangan dari Iran mulai Minggu (23/2) pukul 8 malam waktu setempat. Sementara jalur penerbangan dari Turki ke Iran masih diperbolehkan. Turki mendapat peringatan seiring dengan bertambahnya kasus penyebaran corona Covid-19 di Iran. Langkah penutupan perbatasan dilakukan setelah melakukan diskusi dengan pemerintah Iran.

Berikut daftar negara-negara di Asia yang dilaporkan belum terjangkit virus corona berdasarkan data WHO:


Korea Utara

Arab Saudi













Yaman (fra/chs)

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March 01, 2020 at 11:20AM

Indonesia dan Deretan Negara Asia yang Belum Terpapar Corona - CNN Indonesia
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Wabah Corona, Avril Lavigne Batal Manggung di Asia - CNBC Indonesia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Penyanyi pop-rock asal Kanada, Avril Lavigne, dikabarkan akan membatalkan tur konser dunia 2020 di sejumlah negara Asia akibat kekhawatiran meluasnya wabah virus corona atau COVID-19.

Dilansir TMZ dan dikutip CNN Indonesia, rangkaian tur bertajuk Head Above Water, yang diambil dari nama album yang belum lama ini dirilis, sedianya akan dimulai pada Maret mendatang.

Penyanyi kelahiran 27 September 1984 ini dijadwalkan memulai tur dunianya pada Maret di Eropa secara berurutan dari Swiss, Italia, Belgia, Prancis, Jerman dan negara lainnya. Padahal di sejumlah negara itu terdapat sejumlah kasus infeksi virus corona.


Italia bahkan menjadi negara di Eropa dengan jumlah infeksi virus corona terbesar di luar China. Data Johns Hopkins CSSE mencatat jumlah korban terinfeksi di Italia saja mencapai 888 orang hingga Sabtu pagi (29/2/2020), sementara Jerman 79 terinfeksi, Prancis 73 orang, AS 64 orang dan Inggris 23 orang serta Spanyol 32 orang.

Melansir dari TMZ, seorang sumber yang dekat dengan Avril mengungkapkan tur tak akan dilakukan pada 23 April di kota Shenzhen, China.

Masih menurut TMZ, pengumuman resmi pembatalan dengan total 12 konser akan segera dilakukan, termasuk di Shanghai, Filipina, Tokyo, Hong Kong, dan Taiwan.

Sumber tersebut menyebut bahwa pihaknya berharap penjadwalan ulang akan dilakukan kemudian setelah wabah virus corona dapat dikendalikan. Hingga saat ini, belum diketahui apakah jadwal tur Eropa akan terpengaruh.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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February 29, 2020 at 09:54PM

Wabah Corona, Avril Lavigne Batal Manggung di Asia - CNBC Indonesia
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Avril Lavigne Akan Batalkan Tur di Asia Akibat Virus Corona - CNN Indonesia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Penyanyi pop-rock asal Kanada, Avril Lavigne, akan membatalkan tur konser dunia 2020 di sejumlah negara Asia akibat kekhawatiran wabah virus corona.

Rangkaian tur bertajuk Head Above Water, diambil dari nama album yang belum lama ini dirilis, akan dimulai pada Maret mendatang.

Avril dijadwalkan memulai tur dunianya bulan depan di Eropa secara berurutan dari Swiss, Italia, Belgia, Prancis, Jerman dan negara lainnya. Padahal di sejumlah negara itu terdapat sejumlah kasus infeksi virus corona.

Italia bahkan menjadi negara di Eropa dengan jumlah infeksi virus dengan nama resmi Sars CoV-2 terbesar.

Melansir dari TMZ, Sabtu (29/2), seorang sumber yang dekat dengan Avril mengungkapkan tur tak akan dilakukan pada 23 April di kota Shenzhen, China.

TMZ menyebut pengumuman resmi pembatalan dengan total 12 konser akan segera dilakukan pelantun tembang "Sk8er Boi" tersebut. Ini termasuk di Shanghai, Filipina, Tokyo, Hong Kong, dan Taiwan.

Sumber tersebut menyebut bahwa pihaknya berharap penjadwalan ulang akan dilakukan kemudian setelah wabah virus corona dapat dikendalikan. Hingga saat ini, belum diketahui apakah jadwal tur Eropa akan terpengaruh.

[Gambas:Video CNN]
Selain Avril, musisi lainnya seperti Green Day dan BTS juga mengumumkan penundaan acara di berbagai negara Asia akibat virus corona.

Untuk diketahui, Avril merilis album terbarunya yang bertajuk Head Above Water pada 2019. Album tersebut merupakan penantian yang panjang setelah Avril vakum dari dunia tarik suara selama 5 tahun akibat penyakit Lyme.


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February 29, 2020 at 09:36PM

Avril Lavigne Akan Batalkan Tur di Asia Akibat Virus Corona - CNN Indonesia
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Yen Jadi Jawara, Rupiah Malah Keok & Terburuk di Asia - CNBC Indonesia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Di tengah dinamika pasar finansial akibat meluasnya infeksi virus corona sepekan terakhir, mata uang kawasan Asia bergerak bervariatif terhadap dolar. Rupiah yang sempat berjaya dan jadi jawara dunia akhirnya tumbang dan jadi yang terburuk di Asia.

Nasib nahas menimpa mata uang Tanah Air. Jumat kemarin (28/2) dalam sehari rupiah terdepresiasi 2,21% di hadapan dolar AS. Dalam sepekan rupiah terdepresiasi sebesar 4,22%. Jika ditarik lebih jauh lagi, nilai tukar rupiah melemah 3,2% sejak awal tahun melawan dolar AS.

Beberapa mata uang kawasan Asia yang senasib dengan rupiah sepekan terakhir adalah rupee India, ringgit Malaysia, peso Filipina dan dolar Hong Kong. Yen menjadi mata uang yang mencatatkan penguatan paling signifikan minggu ini dengan apresiasi 3,14% melawan dolar greenback.

Maklum yen merupakan salah satu aset safe haven yang diburu saat kondisi global dalam ketidakpastian seperti saat ini ketika wabah virus corona makin meluas.

Di awal pekan dunia kembali digemparkan oleh virus yang awalnya berasal dari Wuhan ini. Lonjakan jumlah kasus terjadi secara signifikan di Korea Selatan, Italia dan Iran. Bahkan lonjakan jumlah kasus tersebut melebihi kasus baru yang dilaporkan di China untuk pertama kalinya.

Kejadian tersebut kemudian memicu sell off besar-besaran di bursa saham dunia. Wall Street sebagai kiblat pasar saham dunia tak mampu melawan tekanan jual hingga terkoreksi paling dalam sejak krisis finansial 2008.

Tiga indeks utama bursa Wall Street anjlok signifikan dalam sepekan. Indeks S&P 500 jatuh 11,5%, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) anjlok lebih dari 12% dan Nasdaq Composite melorot 10,5%.

Anjloknya bursa saham global juga menular ke bursa saham kawasan benua kuning tak terkecuali bursa saham tanah air. Dalam sepekan IHSG telah terkoreksi sebesar 7,3%. Tak hanya IHSG, pasar surat utang pemerintah juga mencatatkan koreksi pada harga.

Harga surat utang pemerintah RI bertenor 10 tahun mencatatkan kenaikan imbal hasil atau yield. Hal ini menandakan harga obligasi tersebut turun, mengingat harga dan imbal hasil memiliki hubungan yang berbanding terbalik.

Dalam sepekan terakhir koreksi juga terjadi pada pasar surat utang pemerintah Indonesia untuk tenor 10 tahun. Pada Jumat pekan lalu (21/2/2020) imbal hasil obligasi pemerintah RI bertenor 10 tahun ini berada di 6,542%. Sementara itu, kemarin (28/2/2020) imbal hasilnya naik menjadi 6,887%.

Kemarin di kantornya, Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo mengatakan per 27 Februari 2020 ada total net outflow dana asing sebesar Rp 30,8 triliun. Perry merinci aliran dana asing yang keluar terdiri atas Surat Berharga Negara (SBN) sebesar Rp 26,2 triliun dan saham sebesar Rp 4,1 triliun.

Terjadinya outflow turut menekan kinerja mata uang garuda yang sempat berjaya. Namun apa boleh buat virus corona memang tengah tebar ancaman yang buat investor panik dan buru-buru menyelamatkan diri dengan membeli aset-aset safe haven seperti surat utang pemerintah AS bertenor 10 tahun yang mencatatkan imbal hasil terendah sepanjang masa.

Rupiah yang sempat berjaya pada Januari, kini harus tumbang di hadapan dolar AS. Bahkan kinerjanya lebih buruk dari ringgit Malaysia yang notabene kondisi perpolitikannya sedang tidak kondusif dengan mundurnya Mahathir Mohamad dari perannya sebagai Perdana Menteri Negeri Jiran.

Pada perdagangan di pasar spot kemarin, mata uang Ibu Pertiwi itu dibanderol di Rp 14.340/US$ dan menjadi yang terlemah sejak Mei 2019. Namun secara kinerja, depresiasi rupiah yang lebih dari 2% dalam sehari menjadi koreksi harian terbesar sejak 26 September 2011.


[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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Friday, February 28, 2020

Sacramento Asian American Communities Wary Of Potential Coronavirus-Related Xenophobia - Capital Public Radio News

By Sarah Mizes-Tan

Sacramento has reported its first coronavirus disease case that isn’t travel-related, and now, Asian American advocates are worried that may cause a renewed wave of xenophobia towards the local Asian American and Pacific Islander community. 

According to the Sacramento chapter of OCA, an Asian American advocacy organization, the region has seen a decrease in revenue to Asian American businesses, which they suspect is because people are avoiding them due to fears around the virus. 

“In regards to Asian businesses, restaurants, stores, business has gone down,” said Gregory Jung, President of OCA Sacramento. “We just completed Chinese New Year and usually businesses are bustling with activity, but this year we’re seeing diminished revenue because people are just not going to restaurants and events.” 

He also added they’ve heard of more hate crimes around Asian Americans. Officials in Los Angeles called on the public to refrain from scapegoating Asian American communities.

“We’ve also had incidents of hate crimes at schools, where Asian students are being bullied, the term coronavirus is mentioned, students are told to get away get out of here because you have the coronavirus, so that’s concerning us,” he said. 

Sacramento State professor of Ethnic Studies Timothy Fong added that negative reactions towards Asian Americans during times of heightened fear of disease bring up old and harmful stereotypes. 

“Historically, Asian immigrants have been blamed for all kinds of things, whether it’s venereal disease, kinds of communicable diseases because of old stereotypes of asians being not clean, being dirty, being not civilized, uncouth,” Fong said. 

He cautioned that though the virus originated in China, it doesn’t mean Asian people are the only people who can contract and spread it.

Nancy Xiong, communications director for Hmong advocacy group Hmong Innovating Politics, a, said she had read comments on Facebook that spread misinformation about certain Asian-run businesses. 

“The most recent one I saw was this fear of an employee at Ranch 99 having coronavirus and coming to work,” Xiong said. “But Ranch 99 put out a statement that said that’s false and it never happened, and I feel like there’s a lot of misinformation that’s going out there, especially in these local Facebook groups.” 

To combat rising fears, the Asian Pacific American Advocates Sacramento Chapter is planning an educational forum about the coronavirus next week, but hasn't finalized a date yet. 

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February 29, 2020 at 07:23AM

Sacramento Asian American Communities Wary Of Potential Coronavirus-Related Xenophobia - Capital Public Radio News
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Police Have Arrested A Suspect After An Elderly Asian Man Was Mocked And Filmed While Being Attacked - BuzzFeed News

Police believe the 20-year-old suspect is the one who recorded and posted the video of the attack online. They're still on the lookout for a second suspect.

Last updated on February 28, 2020, at 2:29 p.m. ET

Posted on February 28, 2020, at 1:43 p.m. ET

A suspect involved in the filmed attack and robbery of an elderly Asian man in San Francisco was arrested Thursday, police said.

The incident, in which the 68-year-old man was attacked and his cart of recyclables stolen as a group of bystanders mocked him, was caught on video and posted online earlier this week.

The recording shows a black man wheeling away a cart of recyclables the man had collected. When he tries to run after it, the man robbing him turns back and swings what appeared to be a broomstick at his head.

Meanwhile, a group of people standing around with their phones out are seen in the video taunting the man as he's attacked. At one point, someone yells, "I hate Asians!"

The video went viral when it was posted on Twitter, prompting outrage on social media and in San Francisco's Asian American community.

San Francisco Police

Dewayne Grayson

The suspect arrested Thursday, 20-year-old Dewayne Grayson, is believed to be the person who filmed and posted the video online, police said.

He was charged with robbery, elder abuse, a probation violation for a prior robbery conviction, and a hate crime enhancement, according to the statement.

Police said they were made aware of the video on Monday. The attack took place in the Bayview–Hunters Point neighborhood, where Asians make up the largest number of people living in poverty.

The victim was hit on the back of his head. "He had a complaint of pain but no visible injury," police said.

Meanwhile, police are searching for another suspect from the video.

Warning: The video below contains violence and racial epithets.

please share this with your friends & family. this is so low, the older man was just trying to make ends meet for his family. he didn’t deserve this. this is ignorant, inhumane, & sickening. i’m praying for this man and his family. if you have any information, please reach out.

A second video that emerged from the incident led to more backlash, ABC7 reported.

That video, which shows two officers from private security firm Critical Intervention Patrol (CIP) at the scene, led to a wave of angry reviews on the company's Facebook page accusing its officers of allowing the attack to happen.

The company said it was investigating the incident and has placed the two employees on administrative leave.

Daniel Francom, the CIP president, declined to comment further on the investigation Friday, but told BuzzFeed News that the status of the officers and their involvement in the investigation "is 100% classified."

On Friday morning, CIP posted a statement on Facebook saying the officers only arrived at the scene after the incident. They tried to disperse the crowd and get some information from bystanders, but they were berated and yelled at, the company added.

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February 29, 2020 at 01:43AM

Police Have Arrested A Suspect After An Elderly Asian Man Was Mocked And Filmed While Being Attacked - BuzzFeed News
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Asian American lawmakers urge Congress members to help stop coronavirus-fueled xenophobia -

Asian American lawmakers are calling on their colleagues to halt the spread of rumors regarding coronavirus, in an effort to curb the rising xenophobia and discrimination tied to the illness.

The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus issued a letter Wednesday to their fellow members of Congress, urging them to “help us prevent hysteria, ignorant attacks, and racist assaults that have been fueled by misinformation pertaining to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)” by only sharing confirmed and verifiable information. Rep. Judy Chu, who chairs the caucus and held a press conference regarding the letter Friday, explained it’s legislators’ responsibility to inform constituents in a productive, accurate way.

“The members of Congress are the trusted sources out there,” she told NBC News. “So if they say something about what the truth actually is, I think it has meaning. Also, of course, the members of Congress have a huge role to play in calming the public.”

In the letter, legislators point out that there have been several occasions in which Asian Americans have been attacked as a racist byproduct of the virus. In Indiana, two Hmong guests were harassed and barred from staying at first a Super 8 and then a Days Inn. In another incident, an Asian teen in California was bullied, assaulted, and sent to the emergency due to fears surrounding coronavirus.

In addition, Asian businesses are taking a hit as well. In New York City, where there are no confirmed cases of the virus, one rice noodle shop Yin Ji Chang Fen reported a 40 percent drop in business. Another establishment, Julia Tea & Dim Sum House, suffered a 20 percent decrease in business.

The letter also mentioned that thus far, not all legislators have been disseminating verifiable information. Chu noted that Sen. Tom Cotton had entertained the possibility of the fringe, debunked theory that the virus had originated in a biosafety lab in a Fox News interview. The Republican lawmaker from Arkansas has since walked back on his comments.

“The best way to stop the spread of coronavirus is to wash your hands, not perpetuate racist stereotypes,” the letter reads. “We ask for your help in spreading this message, to help stem both the public health crisis and the deeply disturbing racism targeting the Asian American community.

As for Asian Americans who may be experiencing discrimination as people continue to grapple with the virus, Chu said it is “so important for people to be aware of their surroundings and to try not to be alone when they are traveling at least have a buddy out there.”

“We don't want anybody to be vulnerable to any kind of attack,” she said.

The legislator urged people to read the Center for Disease Control’s guidance on the virus and take precautions like washing hands for at least 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer, and avoiding those who appear very sick.”

“These are things that we can do to keep ourselves healthy,’ she said. “And the healthier we are, the less vulnerable we are to these kinds of attacks.”

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February 29, 2020 at 05:27AM

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U.S. cancels Asian summit in Las Vegas amid coronavirus fears - NBC News

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has called off a major summit of Asian leaders next month in Las Vegas amid growing alarm over the coronavirus, two U.S. officials tell NBC News.

The United States had planned to host a special summit of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, on March 14.

But planning for the trip was abruptly halted on Friday, just as President Donald Trump said he was considering expanding his travel ban to cover countries that had a disproportionately high number of coronavirus cases. “We’re looking at that,” Trump told reporters on Friday.

"As the international community works together to defeat the novel coronavirus, the United States, in consultation with ASEAN partners, has made the difficult decision to postpone the ASEAN leaders meeting previously scheduled for mid-March," a senior administration official told NBC News. "The United States values our relationships with the nations of this critical region, and looks forward to future meetings."

The White House had not announced whether Trump planned to personally attend the Las Vegas summit. But U.S. presidents often attend ASEAN’s annual summit, and it would be unusual to skip it during a year when the United States was hosting it.

Larry Kudlow, director of the White House National Economic Council, seemed to suggest Trump did plan to attend when he was asked last week about Trump’s interactions about trade with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“Those guys will meet, and I’m sure you’ll be thrilled, but we’re all going to Las Vegas for the ASEAN,” Kudlow had said.

The White House, the National Security Council and the State Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The cancelation comes as mounting uncertainty over the coronavirus epidemic helped trigger a massive stock market selloff that led to Wall Street’s worst week since the 2008 financial crisis. The White House has sought with increasing urgency to quell concerns that the U.S. is unprepared for the potential spread of the virus in the United States.

The coronavirus, which originated in China, has spread to at least 40 countries, including the U.S., although cases in the United States have thus far been limited.

As recently as Thursday night, White House officials were telling people involved with the summit’s planning that it was still happening. “They were very confident that everything was in place,” one person who spoke with National Security Council officials said. “So this is a surprise.”

And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, asked Tuesday whether Coronavirus was affecting planning for the summit, suggested it will still on.

“The ASEAN summit is still — we’re working our way through it for the — I guess it’s the second weekend in March in Las Vegas,” Pompeo told reporters at the State Department.

Another planned diplomatic meeting, this one a White House visit by Austria’s chancellor scheduled for March 3, was also postponed on Friday, according to an internal administration document reviewed by NBC News.

U.S involvement in ASEAN, which brings together nations Southeast Asian nations to confer on economics and security, has played a major role over the years in helping solidify U.S. influence in the Asia-Pacific region, as Washington seeks to counter the rise of China as the region’s major power.

Trump attended the 2017 ASEAN summit in Manila, Philippines, but didn’t attend the summit in 2018. The 2019 summit, scheduled to take place in Chile, was canceled due to widespread protests in the country at that time.

Josh Lederman reported from Memphis, Tenn., Carol E. Lee reported from Washington.

Hans Nichols contributed.

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February 29, 2020 at 06:53AM

U.S. cancels Asian summit in Las Vegas amid coronavirus fears - NBC News
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Who Are Asian Americans Supporting In California? - FiveThirtyEight

Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup.

Polls of the week

Understanding the political preferences of Asian Americans is tricky. They make up a little less than 7 percent of the total U.S. population, which means pollsters often don’t sample enough of them to draw robust conclusions. And the demographic category lumps together people from a huge range of backgrounds, with roots in a large and diverse group of countries, which means political opinions can vary dramatically within the group.

But one thing we do know is that this group has increasingly leaned toward the Democratic Party over the past two decades. In 2017, 65 percent of Asian Americans were Democrats or leaned Democratic, up from 53 percent in 1994, according to annual totals of Pew Research Center study data.

And in California, which votes on Super Tuesday, Asian Americans make up 16 percent of the population, the largest percentage of any state except Hawaii. The state’s Asian American voters account for 12 percent of likely voters who are registered Democrats, according to the Public Policy Institute of California, which released a study of California voters last August. And that same research showed that 36 percent of Asian American likely voters in California are independents, compared to 43 percent who are Democrats, which means that if independents choose to cast a Democratic ballot, Asian Americans’ share of the primary electorate could be even higher.

Heading into Super Tuesday, we have four recent California polls with crosstab information on who Asian American are leaning toward voting for, and Sen. Bernie Sanders seems to have an edge, earning the most support in three of the four surveys we looked at. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg also did well across the board.

Sanders leads with Asian American voters in California

Top Democratic candidates’ support among poll respondents who identified as Asian American, in four polls conducted since Feb. 6

Poll Sanders Warren Bloomberg Biden Buttigieg
Point Blank Political 29% 9% 19% 6% 6%
Change Research 40 17 9 14 0
SurveyUsa 19 9 28 11 16
Capitol Weekly 28 22 11 12 12

Point Blank Political poll was conducted Feb. 23-25, Change Research poll was conducted Feb. 20-23, SurveyUSA poll was conducted Feb. 13-16, and Capitol Weekly poll was conducted Feb. 6-9.

Source: Polls

Sanders’s focus on “working class” issues might be helping him with this group, because almost a quarter of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in California say they are struggling with poverty, according to a PRRI report published last November. The survey found that most AAPIs reported coming from a middle, working or lower-class family and described their economic situations as largely unchanged from the one in which they grew up. Sanders’s proposals to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, strengthen unions, invest in affordable housing and provide health care for all could appeal to economically insecure Asian Americans.

But, of course, not all Asian voters are struggling economically. The median household income for Asian Americans in California is about $97,000, according to 2018 data from the Census Bureau, higher than the roughly $75,000 median for Californians of all races. This could help explain some of the support we see for Bloomberg, as he tends to do better with older, wealthier and more moderate Democratic voters whereas Sanders tends to do worse with voters whose household income is over $100,000.

In addition, some older Asian Americans may be less willing to back Sanders because they may be wary of politicians who label themselves socialists. Varun Nikore, president of the AAPI Victory Fund, a super PAC that aims to mobilize Asian American voters in support of Democratic candidates, told me that many older Asian Americans came to the U.S. after fleeing socialist or communist regimes in Vietnam, Korea or China and are therefore more apprehensive of socialism than younger, U.S.-born generations are.

So the fact that both Sanders and Bloomberg are doing reasonably well in the polls we have could reflect a divide within the California Asian American community, where older voters tend to prefer a more moderate candidate and younger voters tend to prefer a more progressive candidate like Sanders.

Of course, this is just four polls, so we should be cautious about reading too much into them. And some of these candidates’ support can probably be chalked up to the same forces that are influencing Americans of all races this election cycle. For instance, it’s hard to escape the Bloomberg ad machine, which has helped him build support in multiple Super Tuesday states, and Sanders, Warren and Bloomberg are all polling pretty highly in California, according to our polling average. Former Vice President Joe Biden, on the other hand, should maybe be a bit concerned he doesn’t have more support among Asian Americans in California, given that he ranks third in our polling average of the state, ahead of Bloomberg, but is trailing the former New York mayor among Asian American voters.

Other polling bites

  • In a Public Policy Polling survey of likely Texas Democratic primary voters released this week, 32 percent of Asian Americans supported Sanders, 29 percent supported Bloomberg, 20 percent supported former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and 9 percent supported Biden. If Bloomberg wasn’t on the ballot, 53 percent would support Sanders, 17 percent would support Biden and 16 percent would support Buttigieg.
  • A plurality of Democrats think the Democratic candidate with a plurality of delegates should be the nominee. In other words, Democrats are split on what constitutes a win. In a YouGov poll conducted after the Nevada caucuses, 36 percent of Democrats said the candidate with the most delegates should be the nominee while 33 percent said they shouldn’t. A separate Economist/YouGov poll found that in a open convention scenario, 36 percent want the candidate who won the most votes to receive the nomination, 20 percent of likely primary voters want the candidate who won the most delegates, 10 percent want the candidate who won the most states and 16 percent want the candidate who the polls say will do better in the general election.
  • 4 in 10 Americans are worried about personally experiencing coronavirus, while 2 in 10 are not worried at all, per a Economist/YouGov poll released Feb. 26. The remaining 40 percent said they are not too worried. Concern is pretty uniform across party, but diverges by race: While 51 percent of black Americans reported being worried, just 35 percent of white Americans reported the same.
  • Of the 77 percent of likely Democratic primary voters who think Russia is interfering in the 2020 election, 40 percent think that Sanders is being helped, according to the Economist/YouGov poll. Seventy-two percent said the same about Trump, 12 percent for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and 12 percent said Russia is not helping any specific candidates. In that same poll, 81 percent of likely Democratic primary voters said they don’t think Sanders wants Russia’s help, while just 59 percent of all registered voters said the same. In comparison, 81 percent of likely Democratic primary voters said they do think Trump wants Russia’s help, while 48 percent of all registered voters said the same.
  • A majority of Americans (55 percent) prefer creamy peanut butter to crunchy peanut butter (31 percent), per a recent YouGov poll. Preference for creamy peanut butter falls to 49 percent in the West and rises to 59 percent in the Northeast.

Trump approval

According to FiveThirtyEight’s presidential approval tracker, 43.2 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 52.3 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -9.1 points). At this time last week, 44.0 percent approved and 51.5 percent disapproved (for a net approval rating of -7.5 points). One month ago, Trump had an approval rating of 42.8 percent and a disapproval rating of 52.8 percent, for a net approval rating of -10 points.

Generic ballot

In our average of polls of the generic congressional ballot, Democrats currently lead by 6.5 percentage points (47.8 percent to 41.3 percent). A week ago, Democrats led Republicans by 6.4 points (47.7 percent to 41.3 percent). At this time last month, voters preferred Democrats by 5.8 points (46.9 percent to 41.3 percent).

Check out all the polls we’ve been collecting ahead of the 2020 elections, including the latest Democratic primary polls.

Politics Podcast: Who Won The South Carolina Debate?

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February 28, 2020 at 11:50PM

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Asian American lawmakers denounce 'rumors' and 'xenophobia' about coronavirus - USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – In a press conference outside the Capitol Friday morning, Asian American lawmakers called on their colleagues and the American public not to spread "xenophobia" or "rumors" in their response to the coronavirus outbreak. 

Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, slammed "fake news meant to create fear" and "rumors directed at Chinese Americans" stemming from misinformation about the outbreak.

The California Democrat showed reporters a falsified flyer that had circulated in her district with the logos of the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health that instructed residents to boycott certain Asian-owned businesses 

According to Chu, business was down 50% in restaurants in her majority-Asian district in the San Gabriel Valley outside Los Angeles.

The lawmakers, health experts, and community advocates assembled for the press conference emphasized that the virus, which has been named COVID-19, was spread by exposure to infected individuals, not ethnicity. 

Mitch Wolfe, chief medical officer at the CDC, told reporters, "stigma is the enemy of public health." 

"Ethnicity is not a risk factor," Wolfe added. 

More: Coronavirus, explained: Everything to know about COVID-19, the deadly virus alarming the world

More: 'We do a lot of crying': American couple in quarantine for coronavirus separated in Japan, US

Rep. Grace Meng, D-N.Y., whose Queens, New York, district is 40% Asian American, said, "there have been restaurants that have already been shut down because of poor business."

Rita Pin Ahrens, the executive director of Asian American advocacy group OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates, which has local chapters all over the country, said "rampant misinformation" has emerged since the outbreak began. 

"Across the country, our chapters are reporting diminished patronage to Asian American-owned businesses, from restaurants to grocery stores, to nail salons and to other places and forcing owners into financial crisis and sending workers home," she said. 

According to Pin Ahrens, business at Jusgo Grocery, an Asian grocery store in Houston, was down 80%, and down 50 to 75% at restaurants in the area. 

More: US workers didn't have proper gear to work with coronavirus evacuees, HHS whistleblower claims

More: Mike Pence's crisis manager skills put to the test in new role leading coronavirus response

Earlier this week, in response to a "surge of discriminatory rhetoric and violent attacks against Asian Americans," the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus also circulated a letter to colleagues in Congress calling on them to "share only confirmed and verifiable information" and "dispel misinformation" about the virus outbreak. 

The letter referenced comments by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., who had suggested in a Fox News interview the virus had originated in a Chinese lab, a claim Rep. Chu told reporters Friday "reinforces a narrative that China is an enemy, which puts Chinese Americans particularly at risk." found "no evidence exists" to support such a claim about the origin of the virus. 

"The best way to stop the spread of coronavirus is to wash your hands, not perpetuate racist stereotypes," the lawmakers concluded in their letter. 

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February 29, 2020 at 01:08AM

Asian American lawmakers denounce 'rumors' and 'xenophobia' about coronavirus - USA TODAY
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San Francisco police arrest suspect in filmed attack of Asian man collecting recyclables - NBC News

San Francisco police on Thursday arrested a man who they said recorded last week's attack on an older Asian man and posted it to social media.

Dwayne Grayson, 20, was arrested Thursday morning outside his home on charges of robbery, elder abuse, a probation violation for a prior robbery conviction and a hate crime enhancement in Saturday's attack on a 68-year-old man who was collecting recyclables, police said.SFPD

Dwayne Grayson, 20, is facing charges including robbery and elder abuse as well as a hate crime enhancement in Saturday’s attack on a 68-year-old man collecting recyclables, police said. He's also accused of probation violation for a prior robbery conviction.

The police department said in a statement that Grayson recorded and posted video of the attack that went viral and has been viewed millions of times.

Grayson was being held without bail Thursday night. It was not immediately clear Thursday night if he had an attorney.

Police are searching for another suspect, and the chief said a second arrest is expected soon.

The video shows a man wearing a dark jacket, black pants and black sneakers threatening and brandishing an object at an Asian man. Bystanders watched the attack and hurled racially charged taunts at the man as well.

"I hate Asians, n—," one person can be heard yelling in the video.

The victim can be seen crying as onlookers imitate him and laugh and hold phones up to his face as he is visibly distressed.

The victim was struck on the back of the head and complained of pain but had no visible injury, police said.

Community groups called for action after the attack. San Francisco has a large Asian-American population, making up around 34 percent of the city’s population, according to 2017 census estimates.

Police said in Thursday's statement that officers had been working tirelessly to identify those responsible.

"We don't tolerate this type of behavior in our city," Police Chief William Scott said Thursday.

Mayor London Breed said at a community gathering Thursday that the video sparked widespread outrage, and not just in the Asian community. She said many black residents also said called for action, according to video from NBC Bay Area.

"I would never want anyone to treat my grandmother the way that I saw an elderly person treated here," Breed said in the Bayview District. "We are better than that."

San Francisco’s Bayview community is in the eastern section of the city, southeast of the Mission District.

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February 28, 2020 at 12:56PM

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Rupiah Anjlok 2%, Terlemah Sejak Mei 2017 & Terburuk di Asia - CNBC Indonesia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Nilai tukar rupiah anjlok tajam melawan dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada perdagangan Jumat (28/2/2020), membukukan pelemahan 9 hari beruntun, dan berada di level terlemah sejak Mei 2019. 

Rupiah membuka perdagangan dengan melemah 0,14% di level Rp 14.050/US$, tetapi tidak lama langsung jeblok. Depresiasi rupiah terus bertambah hingga mengakhiri perdagangan di level 14.340/US$, melemah 2,21% di pasar spot, berdasarkan data Refinitiv.

Kinerja rupiah hari ini tercatat sebagai pelemahan harian terbesar sejak 26 September 2011.

Jika melihat lebih ke belakang, hingga hari ini rupiah sudah melemah 9 hari beruntun, dengan total pelemahan nyaris 4,96%.

Sedihnya lagi, rupiah kini mencatat pelemahan secara year-to-date atau sejak awal tahun sebesar 3,31%. Padahal di bulan Januari lalu, rupiah menjadi mata uang terbaik di dunia dengan penguatan 2,29% melawan dolar AS.

Rupiah juga menjadi mata uang dengan kinerja terburuk di Asia pada hari ini, bahkan bisa dikatakan buruk sendirian. Beberapa mata uang justru menguat, meski tipis.

Berikut pergerakan dolar AS melawan mata uang utama Asia hingga pukul 16:58 WIB.

Wabah virus corona yang menyebar di luar China membuat pelaku pasar cemas dan melakukan aksi jual di bursa saham dan pasar obligasi. Dampaknya aliran modal yang dulu masuk deras ke dalam negeri dan membuat rupiah menguat kini berbalik keluar dan menekan Mata Uang Garuda.

Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo di kantornya hari ini menjelaskan di bulan ini hingga 27 Februari kemarin terjadi outflow Rp 26,2 triliun di pasar obligasi atau Surat Berharga Negara (SBN), dan Rp 4,1 trilun.

Sementara sepanjang bulan Januari masih terjadi inflow sehingga secara year-to-date terjadi outflow Rp 11 triliun di SBN dan 1,6 triliun di saham.

Angka tersebut belum termasuk outflow yang terjadi pada hari ini. Yield SBN tenor 10 tahun naik 17,1 basis poin (bps) menjadi 6,878%. Untuk diketahui pergerakan yield berbanding terbalik dengan harga SUN, kala yield naik itu artinya harga sedang turun. Sehingga kenaikan yield mengindikasikan aksi jual di pasar obligasi.

Sementara itu, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) anjlok 1,5%, bahkan sebelumnya sempat lebih dari 4%.

Aksi jual yang terus melanda pasar keuangan dalam negeri hari ini, terpicu oleh anjloknya bursa saham AS (Wall Street) pada perdagangan Kamis kemarin, yang membuat sentimen pelaku pasar semakin memburuk.

Indeks Dow Jones ambles 4,4%, sekaligus membukukan kinerja harian terburuk sejak Februari 2018. Sementara indeks S&P 500 dan Nasdaq melemah 4,4% dan 4,6%, keduanya membukukan kinerja harian terburuk sejak Agustus 2011.

Kecemasan akan penyebaran wabah virus corona di AS membuat pelaku pasar keluar dari aset-aset berisiko dan memilih masuk ke aset aman seperti obligasi AS (Treasury). Hal tersebut terlihat dari yield Treasury tenor 10 tahun yang berada di dekat level terendah sepanjang sejarah.

Pusat Pencegahan dan Pengendali Penyakit (Center of Disease and Prevention/CDC) mengkonfirmasi adanya pasien positif virus corona di California Utara, tetapi belum diketahui bagaimana bisa terjangkit.

Pasien tersebut dilaporkan tidak pernah berpergian atau berinteraksi dengan orang-orang yang memiliki risiko membawa virus corona. Akibatnya, CDC memperingatkan kemungkinan terjadinya "penyebaran di masyarakat", yang memicu kecemasan di pasar.

Yang paling ditakutkan oleh pelaku pasar adalah "produk turunan" dari virus corona yakni pelambatan ekonomi global. China yang merupakan asal virus corona hampir dipastikan akan mengalami pelambatan ekonomi, begitu juga negara-negara lainnya yang sudah terjangkit seperti Jepang, Korea Selatan, hingga Singapura.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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February 28, 2020 at 06:07PM

Rupiah Anjlok 2%, Terlemah Sejak Mei 2017 & Terburuk di Asia - CNBC Indonesia
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Green Day Kesal Batal Tur di Asia karena Corona Hiburan • 28 February 2020 17:26 - CNN Indonesia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Green Day menambah daftar band dan musisi yang membatalkan konser di Asia karena virus corona. Sedianya, mereka memiliki jadwal tur Asia yang direncanakan mulai pada awal Maret.

Trio punk rock itu kini mengumumkan akan menunda Hella Mega Tour, Jumat (28/2).

"Sayangnya kami harus mengambil keputusan sulit untuk menunda konser-konser mendatang di Asia karena alasan kesehatan dan peringatan bepergian [travel warning] lantaran virus corona," demikian pernyataan di akun media sosial Green Day.

Pernyataan itu dilanjutkan dengan pengakuan, "Kami tahu [pembatalan] itu menjengkelkan, kami berusaha menemui kalian, tetapi tetap simpan tiket Anda, kami segera mengumumkan tanggal baru."


Green Day menggelar tur Hella Mega Tour untuk mendukung rilis album terbaru Father of All Motherfuckers yang dijadwalkan dimulai di Singapura pada 8 Maret. Kemudian, mereka berencana mengunjungi Thailand, Filipina, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea Selatan, dan Jepang.

Pada September 2019, Green Day merilis album dan melempar satu single bersamaan dengan Fall Out Boy dan Weezer. Masing-masing lagu itu adalah Fathers of All..., Dear Future Self (Hands Up), serta The End of the Game. Ketiga band tersebut lantas menyepakati menjalani Hella Mega Tour bersama.

Batal tampil di Asia, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, dan Weezer tampaknya akan langsung terbang ke Eropa. Mereka dijadwalkan tampil di Rusia, Finlandia, Swedia, dan Norwegia pada bulan Mei.

Langkah Green Day menunda tur sudah didahului oleh banyak nama lain. Tak hanya grup-grup Korea seperti BTS dan Seventeen, solois AS Khalid, rapper Stormzy, sampai kelompok orkestra The National Symphony Orchestra juga membatalkan penampilan masing-masing karena penyebaran masif virus corona.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


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February 28, 2020 at 05:26PM

Green Day Kesal Batal Tur di Asia karena Corona Hiburan • 28 February 2020 17:26 - CNN Indonesia
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Global stocks set for worst week since 2008 financial crisis - Financial Times

Global stocks were headed for their worst week since the 2008 financial crisis as Asia-Pacific markets sold off for a seventh day on coronavirus fears with shares in Tokyo following Wall Street into correction territory.

The MSCI World index was down 9.4 per cent for the week on Friday, the worst performance since November 2008. 

Japan’s Topix stock index tumbled 3.7 per cent, while Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 and South Korea’s Kospi both shed 3.3 per cent, bringing the three benchmarks down more than 10 per cent from their most recent highs in February.

FTSE 100 futures pointed to a 3.1 per cent fall when trading in London begins, while S&P 500 futures suggested a drop of 0.8 per cent when Wall Street opens later on Friday.

The latest brutal sell-off in the region came after the S&P 500 closed more than 4 per cent lower overnight, extending the US stocks slump to a sixth day. 

Global markets this week began waking up to the threat of the virus as it spread beyond Asia, where stocks had already dropped sharply in China and other countries. 

Now fears of economic disruption and a steady stream of news on outbreaks across the globe are forcing traders to grapple with the prospect of an imminent pandemic, driving Asian equities lower still as outbreaks in Japan and South Korea pile more downward pressure on those countries’ stock markets.

“The market is rapidly pricing in a very dire scenario comparable to what we’ve seen in China,” said Tai Hui, head Asia market strategist for JPMorgan Asset Management. 

China’s CSI 300 index of Shanghai- and Shenzhen-listed equities dropped 3.6 per cent, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng fell 2.4 per cent.

Traders are fretting that the deadly coronavirus, which has spread from China to countries including the US and in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere in Asia, could slam the global economy this year.

Oil prices fell further on Friday with Brent crude, the international benchmark, dropping 2.7 per cent to $50.75 a barrel. West Texas Intermediate, the US marker, dropped 3 per cent to $45.70, its lowest level in more than a year.

Traders are now almost certain that the Federal Reserve will be forced to cut interest rates in March to head off any economic slowdown owing to the spread of the virus, according to Fed funds futures on Friday. 

Investors continued to bid up haven assets on Friday. Yields on 10-year US Treasuries dipped 0.06 percentage points to 1.1962 per cent, briefly touching a new record low. Bond yields fall as prices rise.

“People are running scared,” said Andrew Sullivan, director at Hong Kong brokerage Pearl Bridge Partners. 

Traders in Asia were keen to sell on concerns that the weekend would bring more bad news on the outbreak, he said, which analysts think could hit global economic growth this year.

Health authorities in China reported 44 new deaths from coronavirus to the end of Thursday, up from 29 a day earlier, taking the total fatalities in the mainland to 2,788. There were 327 new infections recorded, against 433 on the previous day, bringing the total to 78,824.

JPMorgan’s Mr Hui said that markets in Japan and Korea were slammed by concerns over domestic outbreaks, but he added that Asian equities were also better poised for a recovery — whenever that arrives — than other markets.

“The room for policy stimulus is much more plentiful in this part of the world . . . both in terms of rate cuts by central banks and fiscal stimulus,” he said.

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